Redirect Directory Trailing Slash (/) with Restricted Access

Securing Apache and Maintaining Usability

First, you should always avoid .htaccess and use it as a last resort. Still, this example holds whether or not you are using .htaccess.

Let’s say you have a directory you wish to secure so that only the index and some file (test.txt) is available. Other other content in the directory should be denied. For example:

These links should load:


In addition, the link without the trailing / should redirect to the link with the trailing / (from /foo to /foo/) for ease of access for your users.

These links should give a 403:


To accomplish this, you might write a .htaccess as follows:

Apache 2.2

Order allow,deny
<Files ~ ^$|^index.html$|^test.txt$>
     Order deny,allow

Apache 2.4

Require all denied
<Files ~ ^$|^index.html$|^test.txt$>
     Require all granted

However, you will run into a problem: The link without a trailing / will not work ( because permissions are evaluated before the mod_dir module’s DirectorySlash functionality evaluates whether or not this is a directory. While not intuitive, we also must add the directory as a file name to be allowed as follows:

Apache 2.2

Order allow,deny
<Files ~ ^foo$|^$|^index.html$|^test.txt$>
     Order deny,allow

Apache 2.4

Require all denied
<Files ~ ^foo$|^$|^index.html$|^test.txt$>
     Require all granted

Hopefully this will help anyone else dealing with a similar issue because it took us a lot of troubleshooting to pin this down. Here are some search terms you might try to find this post:

  • Apache 403 does not add trailing /
  • Apache does not add trailing slash
  • .htaccess deny all breaks trailing directory slash
  • .htaccess Require all denied breaks trailing directory slash



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